Fête 26 juin 16, 12:30 - 23:30 · Open Air · south of rome, Italie Line-up: ::::: ॐ DANCE FLOOR ॐ :::: ◆ FLOWERTZ [ MMH Records ] // Italy ◆ MAX GANDALF [ eXpander ] // Italy ◆ OFFLABEL [ Ovnimoon Records ] // Italy ◆ BENTLEY […Info: :::::Come raggiungere il Deportivo ::::: da roma in macchina: raccordo anulare, uscita 26, seguire per anzio /nettuno from rome with a car: take GRANDE RACCORDO ANULARE,…Lieu: El Deportivo Via Olimpica, Anzio Passé 8a 8m · 1 165 · Inscrit par Free Spirit Foundation Photos0 People Shanti! :: Psychedelic POOL PARTY // Offlabel [Ovnimoon Records] south of rome · Italie dim., 26 juin 16, 12:30 - 23:30= 11hOpen Air · Passé 8a 8m