Fête 10 - 11 nov. 12 · Indoor · Rome, Italie Line-up: KABAYUN [ Looney Moon Records ] USA Kabayun is the project of David Mostoller, who is a also a member of Unwashed Tomato with Andy Aylward. Kabayun's music intends to create an environment that stim…PSYTRANCE FLOOR: --- OKiN SHAH [ Delikatek Records ] Germany OKiN SHAH is living near Stuttgart in Germany and making music as a DJ and LiveAct for…Lieu: Big Bang Via di Monte Testaccio 22 Rome, Italy Passé 12a 4m · 1 922 · Inscrit par Free Spirit Foundation Photos0 People Shanti ! KABAYUN ( Live ) USA + OKiN SHAH Germany Rome · Italie · Carte sam., 10 nov. 12, 20:00 - dim., 11 nov., 06:00= 10hIndoor · Passé 12a 4m