Fête 8 - 9 nov. 14 · Open Air · Shanghai, Chine Line-up: - Atoned Splendor (GoaProductions, UK) - Gotama (GoaProductions, BE) - Microgram (GoaProductions, IL) - Rigelmade (GoaProductions, IT) - DaN (GoaProductions, CN) - Kodama (Magic Garden Concept, BE)Info: WEBSITE: GROUP PAGE: TICKETS: The Shalanaya Festival embraces the concept that we are not alone, that there are other forms of consciousness that share this present moment of existence. It also is…Lieu: 上海市青浦区朱家角镇盛家埭叶塘村369号 Siji Baiguoyuan, Zhujiaozhen 369 Shenji… Passé 10a 4m · 455 · Inscrit par Gotama Photos0 People Shalanaya Festival Shanghai · Chine sam., 8 nov. 14, 14:00 - dim., 9 nov., 08:00= 18hOpen Air · Passé 10a 4m