Fête 29 - 30 sept. 07 · Club · Madrid C/Valverde 10 Metro:Gran Via, Espagne Line-up: Bushman (Spun Records, Ibiza) Abbot Vs. Dj de PaloInfo: Happy Festival Presentation and Bushman new album "Unhuman" release partyLieu: The party starts saturday night at 02:30h (really sunday mor… Passé 17a 5m · 1 259 · Inscrit par sergio Photos0 People SELENIUM - HAPPY FESTIVAL PRESENTATION WITH BUSHMAN Madrid C/Valverde 10 Metro:… · Espagne sam., 29 sept. 07, 23:30 - dim., 30 sept., 07:00= 7h 30minClub · Passé 17a 5m