Fête 14 - 15 avr. 12 · Indoor · Near Ghent , Belgique Line-up: Radical distortion (greece suntrip rec.) Metamorphosis - Dimensional recs / Sita rec; 50% live /50% djsetSpacemushi Anoebis (suntrip rec.) Chakras (Dimensional) Psycat (sanctuary)Info: Look out for the flyer! Hope to see you there!Lieu: Secret and private location You can get location = send emai… Passé 12a 10m · 1 610 · Inscrit par psycat Photos0 People Sanctuary Near Ghent · Belgique sam., 14 avr. 12, 22:30 - dim., 15 avr., 10:00= 11h 30minIndoor · Passé 12a 10m