Fête 29 - 30 sept. 07 · Indoor · Lisbon, Portugal Line-up: A party @ the well known Club Tuatara to celebrate the birth of "Quantic One" compilation, our psychedelilc and ambient scene and to have fun! With 14 artists "non stop" including…Info: Other details: Additional Decor by Buddha Mantra Quantic Store in loco the online store becomes the in loco quantic store Mind Machine Tiago Gouveia shows his fantastic light & sound synthezisers Chai…Lieu: Tuatara Passé 17a 5m · 1 997 · Inscrit par marlene Photos0 People Quantic Party Lisbon · Portugal sam., 29 sept. 07, 23:30 - dim., 30 sept., 12:00= 12h 30minIndoor · Passé 17a 5m