Fête 29 - 30 juil. 04 · In- & Outdoor · ostia(rome), Italie Line-up: Mr.Ferdy the guru presents "Virtual age" le origini Fire games by Prince & BeroDj Max Gandalf (Expander) Dj Gotama (special guest from Switzerland)Info: The party is on the beach, with chill-out bungalows and swimning pool!Lieu: Tantra Pop club Lungomare Amerigo Vespucci 32 Ostia(Rome) Passé 20a 7m · 1 924 · Inscrit par katymonique Photos0 People "Pure state of mind"n.5 ostia(rome) · Italie jeu., 29 juil. 04, 23:00 - ven., 30 juil., 06:00= 7hIn- & Outdoor · Passé 20a 7m