Fête 9 - 10 mars 24 · Club · Prague, Tchéquie Line-up: DAKSINAMURTI (SANGOMA RECORDS) LIVE & DJ SET DJANE BARBELLAY (FRACTAL BANDITS) DJANE LOLLA (ZERO POINT) DJANE AMARETTINA ONDREJ PSYLA (DIGITAL FOREST FESTIVAL) Birthday set TOD (FENIX FESTIVAL) Birthd…Info: Come in costumes that reveal your inner strength and connection to everything around you. Join us on this journey together with three DJANEs playing! You can look forward to Djane Lolla, Barbellay and…Lieu: Prostor Elementů, Nádražní 76, 150 00 Prague Passé 11m 27j · 277 · Inscrit par DF Rapports0 Photos0 Réunion0 People Psytrance Carneval w. / Daksinamurti Prague · Tchéquie · Carte sam., 9 mars 24, 21:00 - dim., 10 mars, 08:00= 11hClub · Passé 11m 27j