Fête 30 mars - 1 avr. 18 · Open Air · Kerikeri, Nouvelle-Zélande CANCELED Line-up: Ferksta - Prog/Psy Dirty Harry - Grunty Prog/Psy Phillharmonix - Funky Prog/Psy Sonic Climax - Uplifting Psy trance Protocol - Symphonic Country Disco Punk DJ D.Sousa - House/Tech House/Techno TripfOr…Info: Party was initially put together on a private facebook page and we arent able to change it to public. Details for payment and info can be found on facebook through Whangarei Psytrance NO GLASS POLICY!… Passé 6a 11m · 605 · Inscrit par Chris Rapports0 Photos0 Réunion0 People Psyrulean Moon Kerikeri · Nouvelle-Zélande · Carte ven., 30 mars 18, 18:00 - dim., 1 avr., 12:00= 1j 18hOpen Air · CANCELED · Passé 6a 11m