Fête 6 - 7 oct. 23 · Indoor · Dublin City, Irlande Line-up: Psylloween is back after 4 years!! 😆 Psychedelic Gaff, PsyEmber and Oggy Psy Club Dublin are mixing their magic potions to bring this unique night to Dublin again! And if you don't want to dress up li…Lieu: The Racket Space, Cross Guns Bridge, Glasnevin, Dublin 9, D09 XW44 Dublin City Passé 1a 5m · 93 · Inscrit par juliosmap Rapports0 Photos0 Réunion0 People Psylloween 2023 w/ Act One & Creepy Deep Dublin City · Irlande · Carte ven., 6 oct. 23, 23:00 - sam., 7 oct., 03:00= 4hIndoor · Passé 1a 5m