Fête 12 - 13 nov. 11 · Club · Sibiu (Hermanstadt), Roumanie Line-up: DJ Latam [Thrancians / Spacesheep] (Bucharest) Lygos [The-Hermanstadt-Crew T-H-C] (Sibiu) Planet Dust [The-Hermanstadt-Crew T-H-C] (Sibiu) El Esdi Syl (Sibiu)Info: DJ Latam ===== DJ Latam started to play music at parties in 2004. Back then he was almost entirely dedicated to psytrance (he is an old Goa listener) and partial…Lieu: Unit Club Sibiu (ex.Cotton) str. Ion Ratiu nr.9 Hermannstadt… Passé 13a 3m · 1 641 · Inscrit par Lygos Photos0 People PsyLand 2nd Edition Sibiu (Hermanstadt) · Roumanie sam., 12 nov. 11, 22:00 - dim., 13 nov., 12:00= 14hClub · Passé 13a 3m