Fête 22 - 23 févr. 14 · Club · Amstetten, Autriche Line-up: ★☆★ BIOKINETIX [ Geomagnetic ] live!! ★☆★ Biokinetix, the premier trance producer from France, has recently released his 5th Album (TRANCE4MATE) on Goa.Records. Biokinetix has been gaining huge popul…★ RETIC ☆ [ PsycoholiX ; PHI - Rec. ] ★ NIBULAK ☆ [ Mind Design ] ★ SECRET SERUM ☆ [ Progressive Selection ] ★ FÜNGUS ☆ [ Optix tribe ] ★ Djane AVANTASIA ☆ [ Neverland Airlines ] ★ SOULFLASH ☆ […Info: ★ ★ ★ Special Hip Hop Opening mit HEISENBERG & GHOSTWRITA ★ ★ ★ Beginn: 21:30 Linzer Mundart-Rap vom Feinsten - es lohnt sich also früher zu kommen! Anreise : ZUG: ☛ gute Erreichbarkeit von Wien, St.…Lieu: Club GIG Gut Leithen 32 3300 Amstetten Passé 11a 18j · 1 386 · Inscrit par PsycoholiX Photos0 People PsycoholiX presents: The Beginning of Infinity Amstetten · Autriche sam., 22 févr. 14, 21:30 - dim., 23 févr., 10:00= 12h 30minClub · Passé 11a 18j