Fête 8 - 10 avr. 16 · Indoor · Timișoara, Roumanie Line-up: As time passed since we saw each other the last time, it was once more possible for us to land for the second time on the sacred grounds of Timisoara. We wish this time to connect more because we're g…Lieu: RedZone Timisoara, Emanoil Ungureanu street Passé 8a 11m · 184 · Inscrit par A Patra Dimensiune Photos0 People Psychedelic weekend - A Patra Dimensiune Timișoara · Roumanie · Carte ven., 8 avr. 16, 23:00 - dim., 10 avr., 10:00= 1j 11hIndoor · Passé 8a 11m