Fête 19 - 20 nov. 10 · Indoor · Antwerpen Linkse Oever, Belgique Line-up: Living WaterPSYCHEDELIC AREA Psyborg Namaste Freedom Electric Lord and othersInfo: Free fresh fruit in the morning, chaï and pancakes, hot and cold drinks at democratic pricesLieu: 't Witte Huis, Noordscheldeweg 1, Antwerpen Linkse Oever Passé 14a 3m · 2 046 · Inscrit par Eddy Freedom Photos0 People Psychedelic Scorpion Party - Freedom's Birthday Party Antwerpen Linkse Oever · Belgique ven., 19 nov. 10, 22:00 - sam., 20 nov., 12:00= 14hIndoor · Passé 14a 3m