Sorry, you have accessed a page that is only accessible to members.Click here to go to the Connexion des membres Fête 23 - 24 nov. 12 · Indoor · St.Gallen, Suisse Line-up: J&B Project (Amplidudes Records) GermanyJ&B Project (Amplidudes Records) Germany Stromkreis (DAYAX Records) SG Laikan (Z-Records / Happy People) SG s&ro (si_Productions) SG Highdrive (Raumstation) ARLieu: Raumstation Passé 12a 3m · 1 280 · Inscrit par WorldofPsy Photos0 People Psychedelic Room St.Gallen · Suisse ven., 23 nov. 12, 23:00 - sam., 24 nov., 08:00= 9hIndoor · Passé 12a 3m