Fête 21 - 22 déc. 12 · Indoor · Shanghai, Chine Line-up: Kodama (Magic Garden Concept, BE) Yuta (Magic Garden Concept, JP) Abruzzi Spur (USA)Info: December 21st 2012. Beyond the Winter Solstice, the date marks the end of a 5,125-year-long cycle in the Mesoamerican Long Count calendar. Rather than some cataclysmic occurrence, our interpretation o…Lieu: The Shelter 5 Yongfu Lu, near Fuxing Xi Lu 永福&… Passé 12a 2m · 1 589 · Inscrit par Gotama Photos0 People Psy Trance Armageddon Shanghai · Chine ven., 21 déc. 12, 22:00 - sam., 22 déc., 05:00= 7hIndoor · Passé 12a 2m