Fête 30 - 31 janv. 15 · Indoor · Berlin, Allemagne / 1 Line-up: live: KINDZA (rus) osom music live: -Z- (alpha & antagon) alice-d rec. presenting the new album DOODLE´S END dj: HASHBURY kamino rec. dj: ELEKTROENGEL soundviecherInfo: a new COOPERATION by old fellows is starting in BERLIN (ger) in 2015 at january 30. hamburg - berlin (ELEKTROENGEL, HASHBURY) - international (KDD) is one aspect of the concept. another one is: less l…Lieu: RAW CLUB, Revaler Str. 99, 10245 Berlin Passé 9a 10m · 3 391 · Inscrit par alpha Photos0 People PSY SPY from outta space - KINDZADZA * -Z- (alpha & antagon) * HASHBURY * ELEKTROENGEL Berlin · Allemagne ven., 30 janv. 15, 23:30 - sam., 31 janv., 11:00= 11h 30minIndoor · / 1 · Passé 9a 10m