Fête 9 - 10 mars 12 · Indoor · sheffield, Royaume-Uni Line-up: RE: CREATION UNCONSCIOUS MINDSDJ POD (Ripsnorter/Tribe of Frog) DILL (Planet Zogg/Karma) GREG ZOGG (Planet Zogg/Ripsnorter)Info: Psychoactive Records live acts RE:CREATION & UNCONSCIOUS MIND(S) are back once again due to popular demand! They beam down to zogg live sets for some mindwarping psychedelic techie breaksdancefloor ac…Lieu: Plug (Neutral) Matilda St Sheffield S1 4QD Passé 13a · 624 · Inscrit par John Photos0 People PLANET ZOGG: Resistance is Futile!! sheffield · Royaume-Uni ven., 9 mars 12, 23:00 - sam., 10 mars, 06:00= 7hIndoor · Passé 13a