Fête 2 - 3 avr. 10 · Indoor · Sheffield, Royaume-Uni Line-up: ATOMGRINDERDJ POD (Ripsnorter/Tribe of Frog) D-MATTIK DIL (Planet Zogg/Karma) GREG ZOGG (Planet Zogg/Ripsnorter)Info: Have a hyperdelic Good Friday with the latest thrilling instalment of Planet Zogg! What better way to kick off the bank holiday weekend that with a full on dose of some uv hued breaksy psychedelic tec…Lieu: The Plug (Neutral), Matilda St, Sheffield S1 4QD Passé 14a 11m · 1 132 · Inscrit par John Photos0 People PLANET ZOGG ~ Hyperdelic Good Friday Sheffield · Royaume-Uni ven., 2 avr. 10, 22:30 - sam., 3 avr., 06:00= 7h 30minIndoor · Passé 14a 11m