Fête 31 oct. - 1 nov. 14 · Indoor · Sheffield, Royaume-Uni Line-up: PLANET ZOGG ROOM (psy/breaks/techno) MONK3YLOGIC live SABRETOOTH live DILL GREG ZOGG DUSK 'TIL DAWN ROOM (beats n bass) YING N YANG (Sugabeat) KOSTAS G . (Thrust/LOT49) EXTRA SPECTRUM (Mood Swings) EL…Info: PLANET ZOGG teams up with DUSK 'TIL DAWN to throw a Halloween Monster Mash from Beyond the Stars all nighter at our fave underground venue THE NIGHT KITCHEN (fka DLS). In the ZOGG room we've got cutti…Lieu: 7 Smithfield S3 7AR Passé 10a 4m · 301 · Inscrit par John Photos0 People PLANET ZOGG HALLOWEEN BALL Sheffield · Royaume-Uni ven., 31 oct. 14, 23:30 - sam., 1 nov., 06:00= 6h 30minIndoor · Passé 10a 4m