Fête 19 - 20 oct. 07 · Indoor · Rome, Italie Line-up: NEURAL RECTIFIER SYNDROM_Last Possible Solution rec.-UK +++++ Lek Black is the English Producer behind NRS, SPC, and one half of RAM(with SCORB). His highl…TOMMI_Pixan rec. +++++ MAAT_Pixan rec. ++++ MAX GANDALF_Pixan rec. +++++ JUKAS_Technoexperience +++ MAYA_Technoexperience +++++Info: Come raggiungerci (semplicemente): dalla Tangenziale Est (altezza del Verano) prendere la Roma-L'Aquila...e continuare dritto superando il raccordo fino al primo casello. Subito prima del casello usci…Lieu: @CLUB MANHATTAN (ex Royal) - Via Predestina Polense 270- Ro… Passé 17a 4m · 2 329 · Inscrit par triple t Photos0 People Pixan meet Last Possible Solution Rome · Italie · Carte ven., 19 oct. 07, 22:00 - sam., 20 oct., 08:00= 10hIndoor · Passé 17a 4m