Sorry, you have accessed a page that is only accessible to members.Click here to go to the Connexion des membres Fête 6 - 7 oct. 12 · Club · Bucharest, Roumanie Line-up: --- DJ Latam [birthday set] Oracol [libra set] Trans Humantza [libra set] Eeon…Info: --- Facebook event: -----…Lieu: Garage Club, Bucuresti [str George Enescu, nr 25] Passé 12a 4m · 1 073 · Inscrit par Thrancians Photos0 People Petrecerea Balantelor Bucharest · Roumanie · Carte sam., 6 oct. 12, 23:00 - dim., 7 oct., 08:00= 9hClub · Passé 12a 4m