Hop là ! Tu as consulté une page qui n'est accessible qu'aux membres.Ici, tu peux accéder à Connexion des membres Fête 13 - 14 sept. 08 · Club · LONDON, Royaume-Uni Line-up: ZEN MECHANICS LIVE (Neurobiotic recs, Iboga recs) M-THEORY LIVE (Alchemy Recs, Free-Spirit) AUDIO X LIVE Exclusive UK Debut (Wired music/trade soundDIGOA (Alchemy Recs, Digital Hive) METAPHASE (Pointzero Recs, Roots) ZEUS (Pointzero Recs, Roots) JARROX (Digital Hive) EVIL TWINS (Free-Spirit Recs, Implosion) MISH MASH (Free-Spirit Recs, Implosion)Info: OVERSOUL IV Celebrating Implosion 5th B-DAY! PSYCHEDELIC FLOOR Decor by Kailash Productions Three forces from the UK underground joining together for a killer indoors gathering... ...EXPECT THE UNEXPE…Lieu: @ Jacks 7 - 9 Crucifix Lane, London Bridge, SE1 3JW, LONDON Passé 16a 5m · 1 357 · Inscrit par Free-Spirit Photos0 People OVERSOUL IV: Celebr. Implosion 5th B-Day London · Royaume-Uni sam., 13 sept. 08, 22:00 - dim., 14 sept., 06:30= 8h 30minClub · Passé 16a 5m