Fête 30 - 31 oct. 10 · Club · Berlin / Friedrichshain, Allemagne / 9 Line-up: Vice (Blue Tunes Rec.) ---Denmark--- Querox (Prog On Syndicate Rec.) ---Balkan--- Connexx (Tesseract Studio / Prog On Syndicate) ---Germany---Budda Bpm (Prog On Syndicate) ---Sweden--- Raoul (Berlin) ---Germany--- Freaky Evils Jeff feat. Dr.Changra (NordickBeats, Prog On Syndicate) ---Germany--- Connrox Dj Team (Querox feat. Connexx) (Prog…Info: Natraj Temple & Prog On Syndicate goes in the next round ....Visit us in raw temple and enjoy the very selected Reputed International line-up, which brings you finest material from the areas of Progre…Lieu: Raw Tempel Berlin Revaler Strasse 99 Passé 14a 4m · 4 412 · Inscrit par QUEROX °ProgOn Syndicate° Photos0 People Natraj Elements Berlin / Friedrichshain · Allemagne sam., 30 oct. 10, 23:30 - dim., 31 oct., 12:00= 13h 30minClub · / 9 · Passé 14a 4m