Fête 21 - 22 sept. 12 · Indoor · Berlin, Allemagne / 8 Line-up: Parasense - Bomshanka Music - Russland Critical Taste - Soundviecher - BerlinMainfloor: 23:00 Naveen - Audiopirates - Berlin/Goa 03:00 LIVE: Parasense - Bomshanka Music - Russland 05:00 ov-silence.oli - Juice Club HH - Hamburg 09:00 Dr. Changra - Iono Music - Berlin Soundviech…Info: Let there be party on earth and let it begin with us...here! Willkommen zur Indoor Season 2012.... Time is speeding up....lets get ready for the End of Time on 21.12.2012.... Natürlich wirds da eine P…Lieu: Kit Kat Club Brückenstr. 1, Berlin Mitte U Bahnhof Heinrich… Passé 12a 5m · 5 742 · Inscrit par ananto Photos0 People Mystic Friday meets Soundviecher Berlin · Allemagne · Carte ven., 21 sept. 12, 22:00 - sam., 22 sept., 12:00= 14hIndoor · / 8 · Passé 12a 5m