Fête 22 - 23 nov. 08 · Indoor · Innsbruck, Autriche Line-up: live from Germany: OLIEN ( Moon Koradji Rec. / Triplag Music / Trishula Rec.)NATAN & BONZO ( Inpsyde-Parvati Rec.-Wirikuta Recs.) I / AInfo: OLIEN was born in Freiburg in 1980. His first contact with electronic music was with the Cybertribe where he went to techno parties at the time. From there on he went through several music styles from…Lieu: Olympiaworld, Olympiastrasse 10 Passé 16a 3m · 4 644 · Inscrit par siouxsie Photos0 People MYSTERY WORLD - SHAKE 'N' BAKE Innsbruck · Autriche sam., 22 nov. 08, 22:00 - dim., 23 nov., 10:00= 12hIndoor · Passé 16a 3m