Hop là ! Tu as consulté une page qui n'est accessible qu'aux membres.Ici, tu peux accéder à Connexion des membres Fête 26 - 27 avr. 14 · Club · Brussels, Belgique Line-up: We are extremely sorry to announce that our Special Guest IANUARIA will not be able to come in Brussels on April 26th, due to medical Reasons… We send him our best wishes of sympathy and speedy recove…❖ SI (Momento Demento) - Croatia Dj Si is Tomislav Sijarto, the founder of Momento Demento. He is always exploring new sounds, discovering and revealing the most talented producers. Momento Demento i…Info: We are extremely sorry to announce that our Special Guest IANUARIA will not be able to come in Brussels on April 26th, due to medical Reasons… We send him our best wishes of sympathy and speedy recove…Lieu: La Bodega, 30 Rue de Birmingham 1080 Bruxelles Acces Metro:… Passé 10a 9m · 1 380 · Inscrit par mozkatt Photos0 People MODEM FESTIVAL - pre-party - BRUSSELS Brussels · Belgique sam., 26 avr. 14, 22:00 - dim., 27 avr., 06:00= 8hClub · Passé 10a 9m