Fête 6 - 7 mars 20 · Club · Barcelona, Espagne Line-up: ★ FILTERIA [Live!] ★ SWE ★ Suntrip Records ★ ★ HYPNOXOCK [Live!] ★ Suntrip Records ★ NEW ALBUM PRESENTATION! ★ CELS MIMESIS [Live!] ★ Mimesis ★ ★ CÉSAR MIMESIS ★ Suntrip Records ★Info: And arrives the moment of saying farewell to the third season, seems unreal that with how complicated is to program alternative events in Barcelona we succeed on arriving in such a nice shape to which…Lieu: MIMESIS CLUB (WOLF BCN) C/ Almogàvers, 86-88, 08018 Barcelon… Passé 5a 4j · 2 371 · Inscrit par Mimesis Rapports0 Photos0 Réunion0 People Mimesis CLUB Barcelona · Espagne · Carte ven., 6 mars 20, 23:30 - sam., 7 mars, 06:00= 6h 30minClub · Passé 5a 4j