Hoppla! Du hast eine Seite aufgerufen, die nur für Member erreichbar ist.Hier geht es zum Member Login Fête 31 août - 1 sept. 19 · Open Air · Girona, Espagne Line-up: 🔱🔱🔱🔱🔱🔱🔱🔱🔱 LIVE MUSIC 🔱🔱🔱🔱🔱🔱🔱🔱🔱 *** Strix Aluco (Auwald Records) *** *** M3DRA (Auwald Records / DopeDeer Records) *** 🔱🔱🔱🔱🔱🔱🔱🔱🔱 DJ - MUSIC 🔱🔱🔱🔱🔱🔱🔱🔱🔱 *** DJ Jairam (Real Vision Music) *** *** DJ Bas…Info: Mabon is a harvest festival, the second of three, that encourages pagans to “reap what they sow,” both literally and figuratively. ... The holiday is named after the Welsh God, Mabon, son of Earth Mot…Lieu: The little paradise is about 1 to 1.5 hours drive northeast… Passé 5a 5m · 752 · Inscrit par ili Rapports0 Photos0 Réunion0 People Mabon - Permaculture meet´s Forest Music Girona · Espagne · Carte sam., 31 août 19, 18:00 - dim., 1 sept., 18:00= 1jOpen Air · Passé 5a 5m