Fête 16 - 17 sept. 06 · Indoor · BARCELONA, Espagne Line-up: Dj Léo Meister (Bcn/Lead LUNATIK) Dj Kristiano Cudikapa (Ita) NEW MEMBERInfo: From now on, only dj Léo Meister from the Lunatik original crew still operating as the lead member of the LUNATIK CORP. Dj Kristiano Cudikapa, veteran of the italian rave scene and charismatic mystic ma…Lieu: RENAIXENçA st. 45-47 - subway GUINARDO L4 (yellow) exit subw… Passé 18a 5m · 1 189 · Inscrit par D.j. Léo - LUNATIK Corp./Spain Photos0 People Lunatik TranceFloor @ CASAL del GUINARDO Barcelona · Espagne sam., 16 sept. 06, 23:30 - dim., 17 sept., 09:00= 9h 30minIndoor · Passé 18a 5m