Fête 23 - 24 janv. 10 · Indoor · HAMBURG - ROTE FLORA - , Allemagne / 9 Line-up: - MULTI EVIL - [ Pomerania / Polen ] [5th Element Rec. / Dark Life Rec. / No Comment Rec.] myspace : discogs : youtube : ..... - BioSynthesis - [ Mazedo…- PETA PANIK - [ Havelland ] [LonelyForestProjekt - LFP] myspace : youtube : ..... - DJANE CoRiOuS - [ Koblenz ] [LycantropRec. / BionicInstinctRec.] mys…Info: ..... Multi Evil The man, quickly became fascinated with technology, science fiction and music which when combined led him to further his passions a res…Lieu: -> ROTE FLORA <- vom Hauptbahnhof in die S31 oder S21… Passé 15a 1m · 10 736 · Inscrit par LonelyForestProjekt Photos0 People "LFP - Dark Special @ Multi Evil_BioSynthesis_Kalilaskov AS" Hamburg - Rote Flora - · Allemagne · Carte sam., 23 janv. 10, 22:00 - dim., 24 janv., 08:00= 10hIndoor · / 9 · Passé 15a 1m