Fête 17 - 18 sept. 11 · Indoor · Vienna , Autriche Line-up: Absolut (2to6 Records / KNECHT / Cosmixed Society) Endogen (KNECHT / Cosmixed Society) Nono (Movement) Soth (2to6 Records / KNECHT)Info: K.:.N.:.E.:.C.:.H.:.T.:. Krew is back !! Kicking off the indoor season with a small party in a new location. Cocktails 5,50 Longdrinks 4,50Lieu: MANGA Bar Westbahnstraße 14 1070 Wien Nähe U3 Neubaugasse! Passé 13a 5m · 2 516 · Inscrit par ☥Soth☥ Photos0 People KNECHT - Phoenix Vienna · Autriche sam., 17 sept. 11, 22:00 - dim., 18 sept., 06:00= 8hIndoor · Passé 13a 5m