Fête 29 - 30 juin 19 · Indoor · Tokyo, Japon Line-up: 【Main Floor】 ★Live★ JIKOOHA (Matsuri Digital / Panorama Rec. / Shamanarchy) Shimodi (Jikooha / Shamanarchy) ★DJ★ Jun (Jikooha / Shamanarchy) Tomocomo (Panorama Rec. / Shamanarchy) ★Deco★ よつ葉 【Alternat…Info: At last the special party “JIKOOHA NIGHT!” will be held by goa trance band JIKOOHA with Koenji Cave and Matsuri Digital on 29th June!! The main floor will be made up from Jikooha’s 2.5hour long live s…Lieu: ▧DJ's Bar CAVE▧ 東京都杉並区高円寺南4-23-5 ACPビルB1 ACP building B1,4-2… Passé 5a 8m · 176 · Inscrit par mijinko Rapports0 Photos0 Réunion0 People Jikooha Night! Tokyo · Japon · Carte sam., 29 juin 19, 23:00 - dim., 30 juin, 06:30= 7h 30minIndoor · Passé 5a 8m