Fête 13 - 14 nov. 10 · Indoor · Innsbruck, Autriche / 3 Line-up: - --- SILLY TWIT (Neurotrance Rec.) AUT/CRI . a new psychedelic Trance project of MATAKANA and SEQUIN !--- -PHILOSO (Spontaneous Aerobics Rec.)PAGAT (Zero Gravity Rec.)SZIG SAG (Blitz Studios)BENSE (Independent) . . .Info: . Advanced Psychedelic Trance . ....bring a Smile and good energies.... and be prepared for a !!! POWERFUL DANCE NIGHT !!! :) . boooom! .Lieu: VAZ HAFEN / @Hades Innrain 149 6020 Innsbruck Passé 14a 3m · 3 134 · Inscrit par DJ PHILOSO Photos0 People INSANE VISION with SILLY TWIT Innsbruck · Autriche sam., 13 nov. 10, 22:00 - dim., 14 nov., 06:00= 8hIndoor · / 3 · Passé 14a 3m