Sorry, you have accessed a page that is only accessible to members.Click here to go to the Member Login Fête 29 - 30 nov. 03 · Indoor · near Vicenza ...noventa vicentina.., Italie Line-up: **** - TASO [M.s.C.m.A.] - SUN [Solarsive rec./Alien Tribe] - CYBER FUSION [Logik freak's family] - SPECTRE [Logik freak's family] - TURU…Info: psy bar...! psy shop....! psy sound...!Lieu: BLUE ICE CLUB - Autostrada A4 uscita Montebello Seguire subi… Passé 21a 2m · 2 188 · Inscrit par Logic Freak's Family Photos0 People HYPERACTIVE BRAIN near Vicenza ...noventa v… · Italie sam., 29 nov. 03, 23:30 - dim., 30 nov., 12:00= 12h 30minIndoor · Passé 21a 2m