Fête 6 - 7 oct. 07 · Indoor · Copenhagen, Danemark Line-up: live XEROX & ILLUMINATION (HOMmega, Israel) LOGIC BOMB (Solstice, Sweden)djs NIS (Virus Tekk, DK) SAINT JANUS (Amager Bio, DK) GOA ALEX (Karma Crew)Info: features # Crystal clear soundsystem # Amazing adventure decor theme # Wooden dancefloor # Advanced light installation # Cheap bar and wardrobe prices tickets # Prices in presale 170 dkk + fee / 210 s…Lieu: Amager Bio Øresundsvej 6 2300 København S Passé 17a 5m · 1 126 · Inscrit par Kenneth CrackWhoreModels Photos0 People Gathering the Tribes # Xerox & Illumination, Logic Bomb etc. Copenhagen · Danemark sam., 6 oct. 07, 22:00 - dim., 7 oct., 07:00= 9hIndoor · Passé 17a 5m