Fête 20 - 21 avr. 13 · Indoor · Antwerp, Belgique Line-up: TALPA (SRB) (Sundance Rec.) FRAKTOPHON (BE) (Naturall Prod.) LUCID MANTRA (BE) (GanjaTree Rec.) PSYGASUS (BE) (GanjaTree Rec.) D-THER (BE) (GanjaTree Rec.)FOOSE (BE) (GanjaTree Rec.) MAGICDAVE (UK) (GanjaTree Rec.)Info: SOUND: DS sound EXTRA: Massage Shop PLEASE: Respect the location and organization so you can keep partying Try to stay indoors and respect the neighbors (once again for your future parties) No drugs,…Lieu: Royal Antwerp Tennis Club Passé 11a 7m · 1 640 · Inscrit par Dj Foose Photos0 People GanjaTree Records presents: LEVEL 32: A BIRTHDAY ROUND Antwerp · Belgique sam., 20 avr. 13, 22:00 - dim., 21 avr., 06:30= 8h 30minIndoor · Passé 11a 7m