Fête 14 - 15 sept. 19 · Indoor · Maribor, Slovénie Line-up: ▶ Otvoritev Midnight Resurrection sezone 2019/2020 Po tem, ko je na DOTU 2016 naredil totalni raztur, je že skrajni čas, da se k nam vrne eden izmed pionirjev psy scene, ki ga najbolj poznamo po mutan…Info: ▶ FOR INTERNATIONAL PARTY FREAKS If you are coming from abroad, feel free to write us and order a presale ticket: m.me/midnight.resurrection We accept orders till 11.09. presale = 13€ at the door = 15…Lieu: ŠTUK, Gosposvetska 83, Maribor Passé 5a 5m · 647 · Inscrit par Midnight Resurrection Rapports0 Photos0 Réunion0 People FusionDrive with Juno Reactor Maribor · Slovénie · Carte sam., 14 sept. 19, 22:00 - dim., 15 sept., 05:30= 7h 30minIndoor · Passé 5a 5m