Fête 20 - 21 nov. 10 · In- & Outdoor · ATHENS !, Grèce Line-up: ::::: GALACTIKA *(for the 1st time in Athens) - LIVE (Blue Tunes - Germany) -::::: HUMAN ELEMENT *(for the 1st time in Greece) - LIVE (Mikrokosmos rec. - Switzerland) -::::: DJ MARTIN *(for the 1st time in Athens) - DJ set (EARSUGAR - Iboga rec) -::::: NOK *(for the 1st time in Athens) - DJ set (Blue Tunes - Germany) - ::::: Nick Pall - DJ set (Medusa rec - Greece)…Info: info & reservation 211 4069085 / 693712883 * back to the future :)Lieu: AMMOS Beach Club (Tram station "Loutra Alimou" -… Passé 14a 3m · 984 · Inscrit par F.S.I. Dance+Concert Photos0 People F.S.I. Dance presents "Summer Never Ends" Athens ! · Grèce sam., 20 nov. 10, 23:00 - dim., 21 nov., 07:00= 8hIn- & Outdoor · Passé 14a 3m