Fête 19 - 20 mai 07 · Open Air · Mekelle, Tigray region, Elala ReSort, Éthiopie Line-up: ETHIO CIRCUS SHOW!!!! Live show by the ethio circus boyz with fire games, acrobats, bouncing balls, juggling--- MoVi°MeNtaL (INTERZONE Inc. mentally associated - ITALY) - Popular Music!!! Electronic, Full on, Darkpsy --- aNdR3a (ITALY) - Experimental music, mixed electronic music, chillout area --- DJ IsaaK…Info: FIRST ETHIOPIAN PARTY!!!! ....it comes from the will of party people who miss too much party-lifetime.... 3 months without.... I had to do that! The idea is to catch the energy that may come in sharin…Lieu: A wonderful african garden, with giant sicamore trees and a… Passé 17a 9m · 2 206 · Inscrit par °ETiO-/\/\eNTaL°INTERZONA Photos0 People °°°FREEEUPHORIA°°° SwiMmiNg PoOL PaRtY! Mekelle, Tigray region, Ela… · Éthiopie sam., 19 mai 07, 14:00 - dim., 20 mai, 02:00= 12hOpen Air · Passé 17a 9m