Fête 28 - 29 nov. 08 · Indoor · Biel-Bienne, Suisse / 2 Line-up: MENOG ( Portugal) Spectal Records Will present his new album !! ELECTRYPNOSE Digital PsionicsFIUZZ (Spain) Spectal Records/ Syndar Prod. PSYSMAEL Freak time production/ BMSS NYGMA Frakasound Records SNIPE Fractal Records/ Mysteria-Music ANIMAL Feelfree.djInfo: !! Event on 2 Nights ! 28.11: 1 dancefloor ( 21h-12h) capacity 400 people 29.11: 2 dancefloors ( 20h-15h) capacity 1100 people This event is made to celebrate the venue of the new cd ''Fractal Energy…Lieu: BIELLA FACTORY, Rue Alexander Schoni 30, Alexander-Schöni 30… Passé 16a 3m · 4 431 · Inscrit par gamagoblin Photos0 People FRACTAL ENERGY 2 (2 Nights Gathering) Biel-Bienne · Suisse ven., 28 nov. 08, 21:00 - sam., 29 nov., 12:00= 15hIndoor · / 2 · Passé 16a 3m