Fête 27 - 28 févr. 10 · Indoor · 383 01Prachatice (Dreiländereck), Tchéquie Line-up: ++ Chromanova*Fm proudly presents: LIVE STREAM - 27.February 2010 - Shut Up & Dance organises the first Fullmoon Festival in the Czech Republic +++With interviews **www.chromanova.de** fluor painting…Nesjaja (chromanova.de) Psykaholiks (chromanova.de / Y.S.E./Fullmoonfestival.de) TomEs (InfectedGrooves.de) Psylatino (InfectedGrooves.pt) Gondar (CZ) Dj Lut (InfectedGrooves.nl) Jiggi (babapower) Ast…Info: We managed to get a big cinema with a big hotel for a long night.. after that night there are farmhouses around for the afterparty The hotel got 200 nice rooms, wich are rented out for 8 euro / 200 k…Lieu: Cinema Hotel Park, a huge Cinema with hotel in the old tow… Passé 14a 11m · 3 552 · Inscrit par noel Photos0 People First Czech fullmoonfestival 383 01Prachatice (Dreilände… · Tchéquie sam., 27 févr. 10, 20:00 - dim., 28 févr., 10:00= 14hIndoor · Passé 14a 11m