Fête 30 - 31 mars 03 · Indoor · secret for now => coming soon, Belgique / 4 Line-up: *INrG goes 2SPacedout (Belgium) *PZYKOPATIKA (the department of psychodelica, Belgium) *FLYING SCORPIONS (Finland) (timo/TEXAS FAGGOT & pepe/SQUAREMEAT) *GRAPES OF WRATH (Demon tea rec., Denmark) *JAHB…-Pzÿko (the department of psychodelica, Belgium) -INrG (Belgium) -Ehm vs luc (France, droidsect/digital talk) -Palombus vs helwin (dj from Apoxina rec. vs the owner of Apoxina rec., France) -Ilse (Germa…Info: this day 3 (and the last day) of the FEMINA MANDRAGORA (DEMON TEA REC. PARTY)Lieu: secret for now => coming soon Passé 21a 11m · 2 076 · Inscrit par Pzyko Photos0 People FEMINA MANDRAGORA (DEMON TEA REC. PARTY) day 3 secret for now => coming so… · Belgique dim., 30 mars 03, 04:30 - lun., 31 mars, 16:30= 1j 12hIndoor · / 4 · Passé 21a 11m