Sorry, you have accessed a page that is only accessible to members.Click here to go to the Member Login Fête 16 - 17 mai 08 · Indoor · Silkeborg, Danemark Line-up: KLOPFGEISTER LIVE (Iono Music)ElectroCute (J&J Resident) Pr0fane (Iboga Records) N.A.S.A. (Iboga Records) NiS (Virus Tekk Rec)Info: About Klopfgeister... In 2002 Jens Schefzig and Thorsten Paul met on a party and Jens told him that he has some Music-Equipment at home and Thorsten said, that he was able to play some instruments. So…Lieu: Balle Kirkeby Forsamlingshus Balle Bygade 6B 8600 Silkeborg Passé 16a 9m · 2 490 · Inscrit par Manik Sinhala (T.i.O.S.) Photos0 People Famehunters Presents: Klopfgeister Live Silkeborg · Danemark ven., 16 mai 08, 22:00 - sam., 17 mai, 06:00= 8hIndoor · Passé 16a 9m