Fête 6 - 7 oct. 07 · Indoor · MAGDEBURG / SACHSEN - ANHALT, Allemagne / 10 Line-up: ANTAGON_____(Interzone-pa)_____Hamburg "Antagon" aka Lars Peter from Hamburg/ Germany is a Full On/ Darkpsy Dj and a Darkpsy Live-Act. He is into Music since the early ninetees. At the age o…Info: * 2 Floors * bei gutem Wetter gibts einen Outdoorfloor * Fireperformance * Chai + Spacebar * Laser * Mainfloor - 4 Punkt Sound System * Trancecard Rabatt : 50 % and many more .... :)… Passé 17a 5m · Inscrit par strahlemann Photos0 People ELFENTANZ - Indoor Magdeburg / Sachsen - Anhal… · Allemagne sam., 6 oct. 07, 22:00 - dim., 7 oct., 12:00= 14hIndoor · / 10 · Passé 17a 5m