Fête 9 - 10 sept. 06 · Open Air · near Louvain, Belgique Line-up: Aphid Moon (UK) - Nano RecordsProgressive sunset: Dj Joeri - La Rocca on Sundays Dj Caspar - Eargasm Dezz Terquez - Eargasm Iry - Enchanted, Lunatrix Psychedelic madness: Aphid Moon (UK) LIVE - Nano Records Kairon - Kairoo Reocrds…Info: Eargasm, Purple Snow & Sanuk put their heads together to offer you 24 hours of pure pleasure on their magical summerclosing-party. We found a beautiful country-field for the right atmosphere. Don’t pa…Lieu: A beautiful country-field for the right atmosphere, near Lou… Passé 18a 6m · 4 141 · Inscrit par sanuk Photos0 People Eargasm open air in collaboration with Sanuk & Purple Snow near Louvain · Belgique sam., 9 sept. 06, 14:00 - dim., 10 sept., 14:00= 1jOpen Air · Passé 18a 6m