Fête 15 - 16 nov. 08 · Indoor · WIEN, Autriche / 23 Line-up: U-RECKEN (dooflex rec.)isr. presenting his new great music, this guy is 1 of the favorit acts of the goatrance music :) u cant miss him!! LOUD (drive rec.)isr. presenting new matirials from their u…a good friend & a great dj is coming to visit us:) M.A.L.E.X - (groove criminlas)at./esp. Daksinamurti - (shiva space tech./nexus media)de. Tommi - (spacelords) at. Pinocio aka Bandit (pirat tribe)at.…Info: as usual planing a great party with great music;) time table in the next few days;)Lieu: HAUS DER BEGEGNUNG Donaustadt Bernouillestrasse 1 1220 Wien… Passé 16a 3m · 8 868 · Inscrit par illigalboof Photos0 People ****DROPS REFLECTIONS pres:U-RECKEN , LOUD & IBOJIMA live;) Wien · Autriche sam., 15 nov. 08, 22:00 - dim., 16 nov., 08:00= 10hIndoor · / 23 · Passé 16a 3m