Fête 6 - 7 mars 09 · Indoor · Predeal, Roumanie / 3 Line-up: Whicked Hayo (Night Oracle Records, Belgium)Hilight Tribe (Kosmic Hoboes, France) => presentation off the last album call Trancelucid Danolite (producer Hilight Tribe and Manager Juno Reactor) Lygos (DMT-CBU) Styx (DMT-CBU)Lieu: Hotel Club Rozmarin Predeal near Brasov Passé 16a · 5 071 · Inscrit par WR1 Photos0 People dreamforce Predeal · Roumanie ven., 6 mars 09, 20:00 - sam., 7 mars, 11:00= 15hIndoor · / 3 · Passé 16a