Fête 9 - 10 nov. 12 · Club · Athens, Grèce Line-up: STRANGER (Goanmantra Records) presenting us his new tunes and the upcoming Strange Kaos album before leaving to Goa !TEO (Discovalley) returns from Japan and will introduce us to his soon to be released compilation, The World We Live in 2 DARK ELF (Discovalley + Sonic Loom) DENDROBATES (Sonic Loom)Info: Shop by Sonic Loom/Discovalley New Discovalley T-shirts by Dune Wear ! CD's from Deviant Force, Sonic Loom, Discovalley, Serephanaa Records, Bhooteshwara Records and Pukkawallah will be available for…Lieu: 7 Deadly Sins Themistokleous & Gambetta Passé 12a 3m · 1 090 · Inscrit par Dark Elf Photos0 People Discovalley Records presents STRANGER in Athens Athens · Grèce ven., 9 nov. 12, 23:30 - sam., 10 nov., 08:00= 8h 30minClub · Passé 12a 3m