Fête 28 - 29 sept. 13 · Open Air · Melbourne, Australie Line-up: GOOF INSTANT ALIEN SYNAPSYSBEN EVANS MISS-BEHAVIOUR TWISTED MOLECULE MUZE STITCH MAD CAP IONIC HARMONY GOOF INSTANT ALIEN GOLDEN RAE BILLY-x DAVIE PROGIT DtMX DYLERIOUS VORAX OLIVIER MARCELO SYNAPSYS LACK LUSTER STATIC-CONTROL…Info: Instead of having this indoors on the 7th of Sept, we'll be placing it outside where it should be on the 28th, so you can connect with the energy of your surroundings. it will be so enjoyable to share…Lieu: Private Property Alexander Passé 11a 5m · 1 372 · Inscrit par Ridgydidge Photos0 People DIamond Ridge New Years Warm UP Gathering Melbourne · Australie sam., 28 sept. 13, 19:00 - dim., 29 sept., 16:00= 21hOpen Air · Passé 11a 5m